Cyberlaw Literacy and the General Election

By: Sonny Zulhuda

Everyone is ready for Indonesia’s 2024 General Election!

Today I will share my thoughts on what this democratic routine will bring about from the perspective of Cyberlaw and the cyber community in Indonesia. Three things come to my mind: Firstly, this time the cyberspace debates will escalate like always. Statement after statement, posting after another, and arguments that never end! Beware of hoaxes. Misinformation and disinformation are very very rampant at this time. Secondly, voters’ personal data are currently at stake, more than ever outside the election. Therefore, the issue of personal data protection can be a time bomb that may trigger legal disputes. And thirdly, and this is very very crucial and far-reaching; the cyber security of the election information system. The system, being one of our Critical Information Infrastructures, shall be highly protected.

[Check my old post on the issues of voters’ personal data protection – here].

On top of all these, it is timely to learn and re-learn about cyberlaw: Its emergence, concept, scope and discourse around it. For our legal fraternities and students, this area of law is now worth studying because our society has now transformed into a digital one. And the government to a digital government, too. Not to forget the food and all the necessities are today served online.

In this session, I will also share the development and nature of Cyberlaw, and what directions our society should go to in the near future. Lastly, as a reminder for myself and everyone, let’s make this digital society today the one that wins us the pleasure of Almighty God.

Thank You Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) for inviting me to share remotely. Hope to see you in person someday.

Here are the Slides for the benefit of all the participants and everyone else.

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